WASD - To Move

Space - To roll forwards (Dodge behind cover and into shop windows to rob them)

Z or O - To throw bottles (Un implemented feature)

X or P - To throw propaganda (Throw at letter boxes)

Your goal is to reach enough followers to overthrow the government of your local town by morning, the police will arrest you on sight so avoid getting spotted!

Umusername - Character and environment art

Matt T - Sound effects, music and art.

Marco Moyano - Cutscene animation.

Ligua - Programming and technical art.


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I think you guys had a really good concept for the game and would like to see more if you're planning on continuing post-jam

Thanks for the feedback! your gameplay really helps highlight issues with user experience we hope to address in the revision we'll release soon. 

seems cool but the restart button doesnt work

Thanks for the feedback! We'll get that fixed in the revision we're working on